Last weekend wasn’t the weekend I’d planned on because I spent most of it at work. It was, at least, a very productive weekend at work (and we got lunch delivered), but still, not really what I’d planned on.
This weekend was at least not spent at work. Unfortunately, I’d planned to go to a Magic draft yesterday afternoon (I’m trying to do one per month, since I really enjoy doing them but it’s hard to set aside the time), but when I showed up at the store it turned out they were doing a different sort of tournament and not a draft. So away I went disappointed. Though I did swing by Comics Conspiracy for their fall sale and found a few things. I spent the afternoon organizing stuff in the front room instead, which wasn’t really bad, but not what I’d wanted to do.
Today we went to the Moss Beach Distillery for their Sunday champagne brunch. I was disappointed to see they no longer had their gingerbread pancakes, although their french toast is quite good itself. And we sat on their patio and enjoyed the (foggy, but warm) weather afterwards. But this trip wasn’t quite what we planned since we got stuck in massive traffic both going and coming back due to all the pumpkin patches in Half Moon Bay. It wasn’t a total drag, but still.
All of these I guess are “first world problems”, but I’m still bummed about the draft – I’d been looking forward to it all week. Ah well.