Sign heralding the upcoming new Apple Store in Boston evokes the look of Fenway Park’s Green Monster. Neat!
(via Daring Fireball, even if Gruber is a sourpuss when it comes to Boston sports.)
Michael Rawdon's webjournal
Sign heralding the upcoming new Apple Store in Boston evokes the look of Fenway Park’s Green Monster. Neat!
(via Daring Fireball, even if Gruber is a sourpuss when it comes to Boston sports.)
I’m home today, nursing a cold.
As my colds always seem to, this one heralded itself with a scratchy throat mid-afternoon yesterday. And as I always seem to, I shrugged it off as some random throaty soreness, perhaps a delayed reaction to casino smoke, or perhaps drinking too much coffee and not enough water.
But by the evening I was getting congested, and by 9:30 I was feeling decidedly tired. So I went to bed at 10 with Debbi after taking some Nyquil.
This morning my throat was still sore and I was still congested, so I called in sick. No sense in getting all my co-workers sick, too. This feels like it will be a relatively mild one, so I hope to be back at work tomorrow. (A far cry from bygone days when I’d sit through a whole fantasy baseball draft while sorely beset by a cold. Ugh, I can’t believe I did that.) More to the point I’ll hopefully be healthy for my and Debbi’s anniversary dinner tomorrow night.
Anyway, I’ll be ensconced on the couch for most of the day, I expect. Which isn’t a bad thing since I have The Iron Dragon’s Daughter to finish, and then Alastair Reynolds’ new one to read.
I seem to get sick every spring, usually when the weather changes. This one faked me out by arriving a few weeks late, though.