Weekend Roundup

We had a nice quiet weekend, highlighted by joining our friends Lisa and Michel and their daughter for lunch (after Lisa and Debbi went shopping). I have this bizarre ability to charm young kids (“cats and small children love Michael”, says Debbi), and their daughter is apparently always excited to see me. I think Debbi feels a little left out sometimes.

Sunday I was feeling a bit blah all day. Maybe because it was raining, even though I usually like the rain. Or maybe the time change threw me off.

I’ve started running again now that biking season is basically over, so we got up and jogged a mile and a half (people who follow me on Twitter or Facebook are probably well acquainted with my running progress and lack-of-prowess). After running errands in the morning we stayed inside and watched football for the rest of the day, catching up on a few things around the house. Though we forgot to do a few chores in the bedroom (rotating the mattress, painting over the holes from the mounted shelf we moved last weekend). Maybe next weekend. For dinner I grilled hamburgers, and of course the rains returned for exactly the span of time I was grilling!

I’ve actually been very busy lately but have not felt much like updating. My plan is to push through some accumulated book reviews (sorry, everyone who can’t stand my book reviews) and then do some shorter-but-more-frequent updates on other subjects.

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